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AANP 2017

Hey guys! As most of you know or have heard by now, we attended our first trade show, the American Association for Nurse Practitioners (AANP 2017) National Convention from the 22nd to the 24th held at the Philadelphia Convention Center. This was DEMED's very first premiere to the public and our family was filled with excitement, anxiousness and nervousness. We were going to present our product to strangers for the first time and naturally, that was a little scary to us all. We made sure that we were over-prepared for this show - that included hundreds of handmade keychains using our elastic, tons and tons of 'rebranded' water bottles and a brand new setup.

Having only had friends and family providing us with validation and support before, we are proud to say that after this weekend, DEMED has gained a whole new family! We met people that were excited for us, proud of us and best of all, happy to support us. It's not often that a family owned company shows up to a tradeshow, sets up their own booth, runs the show and then breaks their booth down themselves. This hands on experience proved to be indispensable to us as business owners, to fellow exhibitors and to consumers alike.

DEMED attracted A LOT of attention! The positive feedback has left us feeling refreshed and motivated. Seeing people's eyes open wide when they felt our fabric or watched our water demonstration was just the reaction we needed to get our creative juices flowing once again. DEMED is more ready than ever before to release new colors and styles and to take the valuable feedback that we received and turn it into a garment that you cannot wait to wear. For those of you reading that we had the pleasure of meeting in person at the show, we want to thank you again for your genuine interest in our product, our family and our story. Now you know DE difference.


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